
Manchester Township, NJ

Over the past year, young families of Bnei Torah have flocked to the fledgling neighborhood of Holly Oaks in Manchester, NJ. Many were simply motivated by the rising costs of housing in Lakewood, but together they established a new place to raise their families with תורה'דיגע values. Situated right off Route 70, about a six-minute drive from Seagull Square, the neighborhood is "close enough" to Lakewood, yet far enough to be self-contained. A quiet, picturesque area, through-traffic is virtually non-existent and sidewalks are sparse.

In November 2020, a makeshift shul was set up in a shed in a resident's backyard. Originally able to accommodate 38 seats, it was quickly apparent that this location was woefully inadequate, as the neighborhood was rocked by an exponential growth rate.

Now, we have reached a point where our shul can no longer fit all of the mispallelim. We have בע"ה found a new location which can accommodate our needs, but we need $250,000 to make it a reality. Considering the fact that the closest shul is nearly 2 miles away, our goal is to build a bustling Makom Torah to service the entire area. Please help make our dream a reality! Become a partner today.

Our Families

Yehuda and Zahava Fryer

Mordechai and Rivky Rupp

Moishe and Ahuva Feintuch

Ari and Michal Willner

Levi and Brochie Nakdimen

Ashie and Sorala Tesser

Yitzy and Tziporah Bravmann

Yosef and Karen Smadja

Pinny and Sara Aron

Shragi and Michal Mendlowitz

Yanky and Tziporah Blonder

Chezky and Dina Meller

Eli and Chaya Rosenblum

Yosef Dov and Sarala Reznik

Chaim Aron and Esti Pruzansky

Dovid and Adina Stoll

Avromy and Leah Fried

Yisroel Meir and Chanie Schonbrun

Yechiel Nosson and Aleeza Segal

Binyomin and Naomi Miller

Yosef Dov and Peshi Hirsch

Shmuel and Rivka Sochet

Yisroel and Leah Savitz

Yissochar and Esti Adler

Yerachmiel and Tzivia Bruckenstein

Chaim and Malky Schuck

Yaakov and Dassi Bukspan

Yehuda and Ahuva Goldberg

Shmuel and Etta Goodman

Eliyahu and Ahuva Katz

Akiva and Rachaeli Felsenburg

Mordechai and Tova Lewin

Yehuda and Rochel Singer

Zalman and Yehudis Basch

Akiva and Bassy Kimmel

Yaakov and Sara Mindel Kamenetsky

Meir and Chana Osina

Eli and Henny Rosenberg

Dovid Shlomo and Pessie Krohn

Binyomin and Miriam Goldstein

Eli and Sarah Rochel Schwarcz

Tzvi and Miriam Wilhelm

Eli and Rochel Ribiat

Dovy and Miriam Cohen

Eli and Batsheva Teichman

Shea and Bracha Salomon

Yitzy and Sara Egert

Menachem and Gitty Slomowitz

Moshe and Aliza Neustadt

Tzvi and Rivky Amsel

Yehoshua and Shira Kramer

Akiva and Rochella Rosenbaum

Tzvi and Devorah Shoop

Slanger Family

Tropper Family

Ariel and Rochel Sandell

BB and Zissel Mann

Ezzy and Shaindy Katz

Mordechai and Chana Freedman

Yona and Rachel Paskesz

Shimon and Mindy Weiss

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